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Hey, I'm Jules Doumèche

I'm designing and implementing innovative software solutions.

About me

I'm Jules Doumèche, a 22 years old software engineer currently in Tokyo. I'm passionate about technology and problem-solving. I wrote my first lines of code in high school on my calculator and loved it. Since then, I'm dedicated to continuously learning and improving my skills.

One of my main goals is to make technology accessible and safe for everyone. I believe that the power of technology has the potential to transform lives and improve the world, and I want to be a part of making that happen. I follow the defensive acceleration (d/acc) principle, which means that we should accelerate the development of new technologies while also accelerating the development of the defensive solutions that protect us from the negative consequences of those new technologies.

That's why I'm currently excited about blockchain and cryptography, which has the potential to create new opportunities for people all over the world while ensuring their privacy and security.

Today, I'm studying and researching computer science at Shibaura Institute of Technology and Grenoble INP ENSIMAG. I'm also working as a software engineer at Nethermind where I experiment with blockchain technology (Ethereum protocol, Starknet Layer-2, Applied Zero-Knowledge, end-user applications, developer toolings and documentation...).

I am excited to continue my journey in the field of software and systems engineering and hope to have the opportunity to work on new innovative and challenging projects.